We're really pleased that you're taking the time to have a look around our site so thank you! If you've read through our about us page, you'll have seen the simplified version of what Evans and Moose is but it's about time you meet the people behind it. So we're using our first blog post to introduce you to us!
So hello from us, Ric and Hannah Evans (we'll introduce you to Moose a bit further down)! Having weathered our fair share of life's storm clouds, we knew the time was right to truly create something great with Evans and Moose, it had always been there but in May 2020 it finally felt right to pull it together and employ the virtual business sheepdogs to round it all up!
Hannah has grown up around agriculture and an appreciation of the outdoors, following this through by working on an RBST farm, an Alpaca farm and studying a Horse Masters Degree along with a Diploma in Floristry. Ric on the other hand, was thrown head first into the complete country lifestyle when he met Hannah in 2009 and it's safe to say he wouldn't change it, he gives pigs in muck a run for their money! The forge is Ric's pride and joy as well as his flock of rare breed chickens!
Both Hannah and Ric have such an appreciation of rural life, some people say a simpler life and in some aspects it is but it's also hard work both physically and emotionally, this however allows you much more freedom to savour and reflect. It's this freedom that the countryside gives us, that we want to share with you, at the moment that's through our website, social media platforms and products we create but soon we hope that this can expand to sharing good food and drink, a stay, a life event or a day of experiences with you.
Okay, now the main man, Moose. Milo, or Moose as he's affectionately known (amongst many other things) is Hannah's Irish Daft (sorry draught) horse! We can't do anything without him... fencing? Moose is involved, gardening? He'll help with pruning, field maintenance? Milo's practically in the tractor and dinner? Moose's head will be through the kitchen window and we've learnt it's best not to ask how he got there... but he is there, every step of the way so why should Evans and Moose be any different! It's only right he takes the credit for some of this, some of our best ideas are had sat listening to him munch his hay!
That's a brief introduction to us, we love a good chat so if you want to get in touch please do. Someday soon we hope to share a coffee or something stronger with you in person but for now please keep an eye out on what we're up to and if you like, feel free to subscribe to our mailing list... there's no junk, promise! You'll get notified of new blog posts too!